visit | love haiku poem

i said I'd visit
but I didn't
only regret now



Anonymous said...


scatterhaiku said...

thanks for dropping by, alyssum. :)

Anonymous said...

always do what your promise = good integrity

scatterhaiku said...

true, true. :( thanks for the comment, zen...

Borut said...

This one was written a couple of hours ago:

Once I refused her!
Tonight, in dreams, I ask her,
old gipsy, for help!?

scatterhaiku said...

thanks for the verses, borut. :) yours?

Borut said...

I'm so scatterbrained!:)... I can only hope so!:) A long, spooky story behind it... But I'm going to write a fictitious tale around this one, using the dozen or so of other haiku I wrote today!:) Tommorow!?:)

scatterhaiku said...

scatterbrained? :P you wrote a dozen haiku today? cool, borut. :D

Borut said...

In my experience, an intense approach to writing haiku, sixty a day is my never to be reached again record, makes one sort of scatterbrained!:)

scatterhaiku said...

60 a day? good grief... that's a lot of haiku... :O what brought that about, borut?

Borut said...

I was a mere beginner, that's what!:) Things seem to have improved tough: now, at my worst, I'm at a dozen a day!

scatterhaiku said...

that's still quite a lot. :O i try to average 3 a day, one for each blog of mine. :)

Borut said...

Good! Far, quite far from a beginner, then!:) Only the beginner would covet the almost impossible 60 haiku per day!:)

scatterhaiku said...

goodness. 60's just too much, it seems. :)

Borut said...

From that series of 60, or let’s say 50, only one found its way into a tiny collection of mine published in 2005 in Slovenian:

In sandy shadows
The petals of the flower
Of this worl fall off.

V peščenih sencah
se osipa na potki
cvet tega sveta

scatterhaiku said...

so then writing the 60 worked out well after all. :)